PTSD Recovery Basic Tool Box

PTSD Recovery Basic Tool Box

PTSD Recovery Basic Tool Box I love a first appointment with a new client. I want to know everything all at once, but that’s not possible. There’s been a lot of living that has gone on long before anyone decides to come into my office. I’m settling in for the...
Important Conversations with Veterans: Ending the Stigma

Important Conversations with Veterans: Ending the Stigma

Normal Is Just A Setting on the Dryer Thinking I would be reassuring to veterans, I started telling them about this sign over my dryer several years ago. I am so aware of the stigma about the crazy vet or the angry vet. According to a recent survey by Cohen Veteran’s...
What Does PTSD Recovery Look Like?

What Does PTSD Recovery Look Like?

The odds of hitting your target go up dramatically when you aim at it. -Mal Pancoast What Does PTSD Recovery Mean What does it actually does PTSD recovery mean? It means having peace in your heart and mind, where now there is some measure of pressured thinking and...